As Salam....
Dear Readers....
Cik azue down again....dengan tidak di sangka2...i tot my normal cramping..but NO! it is not that normal sebenarnya...
anyway..even sedikit emotionaly down...cik azue kena kuat...redha..n.. must be a reason behind...
oh ya..susah nya nak mendidik hati dalam situasi sebegini...
even though my chenta is looks cool ajer..looks fine....but i don't know what was deep inside his heart....
and his support make me ok jap..but tipu one can really heals me except my one n only LOVER...which is ALLAH..WHO always by my side no matter how and what has been done towards HIM...
for that...i must wake up again...n make myself that i can forget the pain...forget about the losing..forget about the emptiness is not meant for me...for us...i must redha ... n i must pegang pada takdir Ilahi..
Thanks Allah for this small ujian...thanks Allah for nikmat IMAN yg diberikan....thanks ALLAh....moga ini menjadikanku dan kami lebih dekat dgn Mu....
to my dearist...we love u all...
(all means...more than twice...)

Dear Readers....
Cik azue down again....dengan tidak di sangka2...i tot my normal cramping..but NO! it is not that normal sebenarnya...
anyway..even sedikit emotionaly down...cik azue kena kuat...redha..n.. must be a reason behind...
oh ya..susah nya nak mendidik hati dalam situasi sebegini...
even though my chenta is looks cool ajer..looks fine....but i don't know what was deep inside his heart....
and his support make me ok jap..but tipu one can really heals me except my one n only LOVER...which is ALLAH..WHO always by my side no matter how and what has been done towards HIM...
for that...i must wake up again...n make myself that i can forget the pain...forget about the losing..forget about the emptiness is not meant for me...for us...i must redha ... n i must pegang pada takdir Ilahi..
Thanks Allah for this small ujian...thanks Allah for nikmat IMAN yg diberikan....thanks ALLAh....moga ini menjadikanku dan kami lebih dekat dgn Mu....
to my dearist...we love u all...
(all means...more than twice...)
Salam kak.. nape ni kak.. moga ada hikmah di sebalik apa yg berlaku.. moga Akak tabah hadapi...
semoga Allah berikan pahala atas musibah yang menimpa.
Dugaan Allah beri menunjukkan Dia sayang pada kita, Dia nak beri kita pahala. Pahala tu mahal harganya, jadi semoga bersabar..selawat & zikir banyak2. ^^
setiap ujian tu ada hikmah di sebalik nyer...
be strong dear....
For sure its not easy, all we can say just for u to be stronger, and good that u got the spirit.
ujian dr Allah :)
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