As Salam...
Dear readers...
This will be my last entry for year 2012...huhuhu...time fly too fast...the boys turning from babies to little mans of the house...tomorrow the younger one will start his PRE-schooling (PRASEKOLAH)...and the elder one move up to standard 2... looks like i just delivered them...but in reality..wake up..wake up..they have grown up...ok back to today entry...
tada....customized bolster pillow actually... it is in size of 3 seater chair...gosh..and weighing at 1.5+++ kg..
Hope the owner satisfy enough and if you want to know i need to hide this pillow from the kiddos...
ok.. hope you enjoy..need to go to office and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Dear readers...
This will be my last entry for year 2012...huhuhu...time fly too fast...the boys turning from babies to little mans of the house...tomorrow the younger one will start his PRE-schooling (PRASEKOLAH)...and the elder one move up to standard 2... looks like i just delivered them...but in reality..wake up..wake up..they have grown up...ok back to today entry...
tada....customized bolster pillow actually... it is in size of 3 seater chair...gosh..and weighing at 1.5+++ kg..
Hope the owner satisfy enough and if you want to know i need to hide this pillow from the kiddos...
ok.. hope you enjoy..need to go to office and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!