Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Borrow n Lend...

As Salam...
Dear Blogger...
Let today we talk about English Usage...
Borrow is use if we want to ask for it while lend is use if we have it.... so ....let the picture tell you the rest....
We sometimes confused ourselves is me actually...hahaha...not you people...perhaps we share more...but need to go..the work has calling n it is time to take off now...
till then...
pssstttt ...i make another round that square angry birds...with 2 different color..stay tune ya...


  1. salam sis, nice english lesson... teringin nk tgk angry bird yg sis buat tu...

  2. hehe borrow lend borrow lend pastu meh meh mana dia burung2 nya? tak sabauuu nak tengok :-)


Buah Fikiran anda amat cik azue hargai