Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Meh Teka meh...- the clue

As Salam...
Sebelum itu...Selamat Hari Buroh / Pekerja...n Selamat Bercuti n Bekerja...
Nie cikazue up lagi sekali GA nie...as sebab ramai (mcm ler ramai sgt kansss) nak clue... so here... I posted the WIPs picture.... harap dapat membantu...
So cikazue akan ambil kira juga jawapan utk yg dah jawap kat ruangan komen kat entry sebelum ini.... n this is open only for those having postal address within Malaysia only... and this GA will last/end up by the time I completing this order n the mini saiz of same patern...
so... sila lah tinggalkan jawapan anda di ruangan komen beserta contact details..klu tak...mcm mana nak hubungi kan... so... i better go to sleep now... and now is already 2.12 AM... so got to go n GOOD LUCK!!!...
*n.b.  mata umpama dah kena gam n kena jahit...*


  1. azu, bird ni watak dlm cartoon ke?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. artwork ini masih dlm family birds...tapi di kartoon kan... agak glamer di dunia KARTUN...dlm pelbagai versi cerita....

  2. Parakeet or brg kakak tua. Rhsmedia@hotmail.com.

  3. Penguin-jujun cute..haha

  4. Salam, kzu nak try gak, mungkin duck. nuiryani@gmail.com (FB : Mohd Idzaney Nur Iryani)

  5. kzu jawapannya penguin...hehe :)



Buah Fikiran anda amat cik azue hargai